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Nippers that are 13 or turning 13 this season, Surf Rescue Certificate is starting

In previous non-Covid years all U13s would complete their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) as part of the Nippers Program. This year we have to do things a little differently.

The aim of this course is to provide participants with skills and knowledge related to surf awareness, aquatic rescue operations, communication systems and equipment and resuscitation.

It is recommended for SLS members who wish to:

  • perform in the role of SLS water safety personnel

  • take on a lifesaving cadetship and join a lifesaving patrol.

  • Compete in SLS carnivals


To commence training for the Surf Rescue Certificate you must:

  • be a financial member of an SLS club

  • be at least 13 years of age on the final assessment date

  • complete an unaided swim of 200 m in 5 minutes or less (goggles and masks permitted) in a swimming pool of not less than 25 m, or over a measured open water course which will be observed prior to you undertaking any water training or assessment activities.


Upon successful completion of this course, you will be awarded with the SLSA Surf Rescue Certificate. You will also receive the following nationally recognised units of competency, some of which may be recognised as prior learning for the PUA20119 Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue):

  • PUAOPE013 Operate communications systems and equipment

  • PUASAR012 Apply surf awareness and self-rescue skills

  • PUASAR013 Participate in an aquatic rescue operation

  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The SRC course will commence on Sunday 24th October 2021 at 08:30am. Prior to the course you will need to be registered and pay an additional $50 which covers the cost of the SRC course. You can do this via the gateway.

All trainers and participants including water safety must be fully vaccinated if 16 or over and we will be asking for participants vaccination status eg not vaccinated, partially vaccinated or full vaccinated as per SLS Covid guidelines and requirements.

If you are interested, please text Jo Mathews your name, email and phone number prior to the 24th October so she can register your interest and ensure we meet maximum numbers.

If you have any questions please contact Jo Mathews on 0407 252 497.

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